March 2022

Blockchain technology concept

What Does It Mean To Offer Technology Enabled Customer Service?

Over the past decade, many businesses have witnessed the enormous benefits of offering technology enabled customer service, from cost-savings and customer retention, to helping to build overarching customer advocacy. Digital transformation is being adopted on a mass scale, so it’s imperative that companies keep up with and maintain an on-demand, digital-first approach at all times. […]

What Does It Mean To Offer Technology Enabled Customer Service? Read More »

an with umbrella in wind and rain

How High Winds, Heavy Rain and UK Storms Affect Insurance claims

Recent Storms’ Dudley, Franklin and Eunice have caused nationwide damage over the past few weeks, with wind speeds reaching up to 122mph and heavy rain leading to more than 150 flood warnings.   As a result, the red weather warnings of unusually high winds and floods have brought insurance policies to the forefront of many

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